50 Hands the music video

This little music video feels Psychedelic and free as you start to fly in space with a soak puppet or two. So sit back and enjoy this free flow dance-in video!

Mid-Morning Coffee

Just like your second cup of coffee this song is up lifting and toe tapping! And of course watch the music video as well. The art work used in the video is by Cynthia M. Gayton. and as you could figure out, yes I did the track. So below the video is the track on soundcloud.


Let’s Explore


Here’s a new video for your viewing pleasure! To only scratch the surface of extremism today. This art video brings up some of the questions and causes today about extremism. So let’s explore what we can shall we! Enjoy!

The hunted dollhouse of horror

The imagery used in this video contemplates the horrors of what it takes to build a dollhouse. This video is best viewed wearing Chroma depth 3D glasses. Enjoy!


Wall mental/physical



Walls exist in one’s mind and in physical form. But what walls block are more mental than physical. This is what this video is dealing with. You don’t need Chroma 3D glasses but they enhance the viewing experience.Enjoy!


Is this a dream or some kind of reality

Using chroma depth 3D glasses, don’t let the campy-ness fool you. This piece starts with grabbing the viewers attention. Then a multi colored event followed by a out door experience. The purpose of this piece is to ponder the question is this a dream or is this reality. Enjoy!

Drive on 355


Stop motion photography with the iPhone 6 Plus that’s all enjoy on yeah! I Didn’t add any sound hope you don’t mind!


New Chroma 3D video for you!

Hey enjoy this new video I made! This video is part of an on going series of perception in 3D that I’m working on!  You can view it without the Chroma 3D glasses but, the glasses make it more awesome!!!